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인종, 종교적 갈등 야기하는 언행 자제 경고

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일23-03-20 12:40 조회715회 댓글0건



PM Anwar warns against race and religious rhetoric in Malaysia, puts security agencies on alert

안와르 총리는 금요일 (3월 17일) 자국 내 인종 및 종교적 갈등을 조장하는 것에 대해 경고했습니다.



KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim on Friday (Mar 17) warned against the fanning of racial and religious flames in the country. 

This came after a programme organised by the youth ministry for people to visit places of worship to learn about other religions had stirred debate. 

“I will not tolerate this. Any effort by anyone who tries to … heat up the racial or religious temperature in this country will not be allowed,” Mr Anwar told a press conference after a Cabinet meeting. 

Mr Anwar also said that security agencies have been ordered to stay alert for situations that could fan racial or religious flames.   







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