신차 신차 가격 상승은 불가피 (인건비,부품부족)
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작성자 에듀페낭 작성일22-06-16 18:06 조회935회 댓글0건본문
MAA: Car prices will rise due to ongoing delays
반도체 부품 부족과 인건비 상승으로 신차 생산은 계속 지연되고 가격상승은 불가피 하다고 하네요.
PETALING JAYA: The production of new cars will continue to be delayed if the shortage of microchips and components persists, says the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA).
Its president, Datuk Aishah Ahmad, said the supply chain has also been affected by the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
“Chips and components come from where the cars are being made, so if there is a delay in manufacturing, there will be a delay with delivery.
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