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말레이시아 정보게시판
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말레이시아 정보게시판

사바, 난민, 무국적자를 위한 외국인 카드 발급 예정

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일22-06-08 07:14 조회815회 댓글0건



Sabah set to issue foreigner cards for refugees, stateless people

사바는 난민과 무국적자를 포함한 이민자들을 위한 특별 외국인 카드 발급을 추진할 예정입니다.



KOTA KINABALU: Sabah is set to go ahead with the issuance of a special foreigner card for migrants including refugees and stateless people broadly dubbed "inland foreigners”.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said the proposed foreigner identity card would be renewable annually and would focus on inland foreigners.

These "inland foreigners" were Filipino refugees issued with Immigration Pass (Imm13), Special Task Force census certificate and the Kad Burung Burung (issued in the 1980s by the state government), he said Thursday (June 2) after a day-long town hall session with a cross section of community leaders.





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