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말레이시아 교육부 "더이상 교육기관 구내 발열체크 안해"

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일22-02-13 07:55 조회992회 댓글0건


Education Ministry: Temperature screening not required at educational institution premises from tomorrow

교육부는 교육기관에서 체온검사가 더 이상 의무사항이 아니라고 밝혔습니다.



KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 10 ― Body temperature check is no longer compulsory at Ministry of Education (MoE) educational institution premises effective tomorrow, the MoE said in a statement today.



However, all teachers, implementation team members (AKP), support service workers and visitors are still required to use the MySejahtera application for check-ins before entering these premises.

“As a safety measure, parents or guardians are urged to ensure that their child or ward is in good health and asymptomatic before attending school,” the statement read.




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