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말레이시아의 오미크론 파동이 3월 말에 정점

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작성자 에듀페낭 작성일22-02-08 10:04 조회995회 댓글0건


Malaysia’s Omicron wave projected to peak end-March, but do your part for Raya peace of mind




Malaysia’s Omicron wave projected to peak end-March, but do your part for Raya peace of mind

 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 7 — The Omicron wave that has officially hit Malaysia is expected to peak at the end of March, the Ministry of Health (MoH) announced today.


Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said this was the MoH’s best estimation to date, and not a finality, as it continues to monitor the rise in Covid-19 cases.

His comments came as Malaysia breached the 10,000 daily case mark yesterday for the first time since October 2, 2021.


“We have our experts running mathematical models right now. At the moment, the peak looks like it probably would be at the end of March. This tracks with other countries where it takes around two months for it to peak.







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