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말레이시아 정보게시판

말레이시아 5~11세 코로나백신접종 강제 안해…

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일22-02-05 08:07 조회917회 댓글0건



Participation in PICKids voluntary, no restrictions for unvaccinated children 

5세~11세 아동은 코로나백신 접종을 강제가 아닌 자발적으로 진행 한다고 하네요.



hairy: Participation in PICKids voluntary, no restrictions for unvaccinated children

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 3 — The vaccination of children aged between five and 11 under the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme for Kids (PICKids) will be done on a voluntary basis and no restrictions will be imposed on unvaccinated children. Health Minister  Khairy Jamaluddin said..









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