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방역수칙 SOP에서 체온측정 뺄 예정

페이지 정보

작성자 에듀페낭 작성일22-01-23 08:09 조회1,231회 댓글0건


COVID: MOH to remove thermal scanning from mandatory SOPs — Khairy

보건부는 COVID-19 위험관리 표준운영절차(SOP)에서 체온을 스캔하는 열 스캐너 사용을 폐지하기로 합의했다고 카리아 자말루딘 보건부 장관이 발표 했습니다.




KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 20): The Health Ministry (MOH) has agreed to remove the mandatory use of thermal scanners to scan body temperatures from the standard operating procedures (SOPs) of Covid-19 risk control nationwide, soon, said its Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.

Therefore, he said, only the MySejahtera QR code scan is required every time one enters the premises.





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